mlsstl wrote:
> 1) I plugged my USB drive into the Touch and the scan seems painfully
> slow. 
> It will play music in the meantime, but I'm still not done after 3
> hours. The drive has just shy of 48,000 songs. A rescan on my server is
> about 45 to 50 minutes. 
> I'm just trying to find out what to expect. 

The CPU and memory in the Touch are way slower than a typical server or
PC. That is a lot of songs. I've never tried that many during beta
testing, but I'm think that may be as expected.

The internal Touch server was not intended to replace a full blown
SqueezeBoxServer. It was designed for folks who didn't have a lot of
music, didn't want to setup a server.

40,000 songs is a lot of songs.

Even ten times as long as your real server would not be a surprize to me.


Once you are done scanning, you don't have to replicate it often.

I think the initial design was for folks with a USB thumb drive to show
off a bit of music, or perhaps play music from an iPad or iPhone.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

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