hirestech;612262 Wrote: 
> Today, I did some testing with all three current models of Music
> Streamer and the Touch.  So far, with current firmware in the
> Streamers, they all (Music Streamer II, Music Streamer II+ & Music
> Streamer Pro) seem to work just fine.  
> I will do some more work over the weekend, but so far, this looks to be
> just fine.  The current (as of 2-18-2011) firmware versions are:
> Music Streamer II = 1.7
> Music Streamer II+ = 1.5
> Music Streamer Pro = 1.5
> Kevin Halverson
> High Resolution Technologies, LLC

Thanks, good to know that a firmware update solves this.



Vortexbox - BrutefirDRC with filter from Audiolense 4.0 - Touch
(bypassed output caps) -  Rotel RB-1060 (mod) - KEF Q300
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