Index? Are you talking about moving the location of LMS' library
database? That's fairly easy to do.

There are several command-line options that you can pass to LMS on
startup that let you relocate folders that can't be set from within the
LMS settings in the web interface.

--cachedir "D:\slim\cache" --logdir "D:\squeeze\logs" --prefsdir

The --cachedir option indicates where the cache/data folder is to be
found. The cache directory contains all of the music library databases
as well as caches for things like web pages. The --logdir option
specifies the location of the folder where logs are kept. The --
prefsdir option locates the preferences folder, where program settings
and plugin settings are kept. However, there's a bug in the compiled
Windows EXE that prevents --prefsdir from working properly when run as a
Windows service, so only --cachedir and --logdir will work.


If you want to add one or more of these options for LMS run as a Windows
service, you'll need to edit the Windows registry, which is fairly
simple. Find the entry for the Windows LMS service, which I believe is
located at 


and find the ImagePath key. It will have an entry that launches the
program, probably something like:

C:\Program Files\Squeezebox\server\SQUUEZ~3.EXE

Edit this string to add the --cachedir option. (Also make sure that the
program's path is enclosed in double quotes, if it's not already.)

"C:\Program Files\Squeezebox\server\SQUUEZ~3.EXE" --cachedir


If, instead, you run LMS as a user process when someone logs on, you'll
need to find the Startup folder shortcut that launches LMS and edit its
target path similarly. Do that by editing the properties.


If you use the LMS control panel application to change from running as a
Windows service to starting up at logon (or vice versa), you'll lose
this customization, as the service registry entry or the shortcut will
be re-created.

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