stop-spinning wrote: 
> I ask this because some are saying that putting a re-clocker (such as
> the so called excellent ones from Empirical Audio) make a huge
> improvement to the SQ of the Touch. This, to me, means that the clocks
> in the SBT are not of hi-end quality so an intermediary device such a
> high quality re-clocker needs to be installed to elevate the music
> performance for an "audiophile" when connected to an outboard DAC.
> If this is the case, is it not cheaper to just get the clocks upgraded
> inside the SBT (if necessary), because that Empirical Audio stuff is
> expensive (but might be worth it I guess).
> Other than that does Async USB mean you conveniently totally bypass the
> internal clocks altogether so don't need a helping hand in-between from
> Empirical and the likes (if you have a good async USB DAC like the
> MDAC?).
> Thanks everyone.

to provide a bit of balance to those who are happy with the sound of the
unmodded touch

quality wise it seems to be

EA overdrive
EA offramp
EDO mods + reclocker - I use mf vlink 192, some have reported great
things using the berkely usb/spdif
EDO mods + async usb dac

I have clock upgrade in my touch, not sure if the EDO mods have killed
off the benefit of that upgrade though.

JohnSwenson has measured the touch clocks and thought that the clock
upgrade was worthwhile

very few dacs have the async usb designed for SQ rather than a
convenient way of getting a signal into the dac which is why reclockers
work, even the new nad M51 dac benefits from an external usb/spdif over
the usb input.

depends on your setup and requirements, for playback into a high
resolving system you may notice a difference

it is a fast moving area, but not too expensive to try out different

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