On 28 June 2012 18:18, aubuti
<aubuti.5ev...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> In fact, you may have it turned around: manufacturers are increasingly
> emphasizing online streaming services because that _is_ what
> growing numbers of people want.
The cynic in me says that manufacturers pretty much produce what they
want and then market it until it sells.

> I've since found the on-demand services like MOG to be great for
> trying out music to see if it's worth buying the CD, [...]
Yes, that's true. The quality is fine for trying something out and for
mobile listening, but that's all I use mine for. It's not just the
audio quality but the inconsistent, incomplete or just plain wrong
tags as well. I realize that the streaming services might be all "the
masses" want, it's just that they don't need a Squeezebox for that.
Heck, a decent A/V reciever or NAS / media harddrive will do that.
>From a mass market perspective Squeezeboxes are expensive, complicated
and "one more box" - I'd much rather Logitech would stop trying to
compete there and try to place them in the premium home stereo market

On 28 June 2012 23:40, sebp <sebp.5ew...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com> wrote:
> As a side note regarding privacy, when you install LMS, you're
> prompted whether or not you accept it to send anonymous usage
> statistics to Logitech.
I'm pretty sure I wasn't asked anything, i'm using the Debian
packages, though. Anyway, anonymous statistics don't bother me.

As for Logitech not being the biggest problem, that's also true. But
one has to draw the line somewhere. Maybe I'm just pissed off that one
of the last areas of my life that was blissfully Internet- and
tracking-free (listening to music) is going to be "invaded" as well -
and without (to me) added value.

Since the registration *can* be bypassed easily the problem is of a
philosophical nature anyway. :-)
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