NoFlyZone wrote: 
> Been awhile since I've visited the Squeezebox forum. Hi.
> Please be patient with me as I'm not getting the picture regarding how
> the Touch interfaces with an outboard DAC and a computer.
> To start with, I used to own (still do in fact) a Squeezebox 3 and a
> Transporter. I was familiar with Squeezecenter and like it very much. It
> worked which is way better than I can say with "other" software
> solutions in computer audio including iTunes which I dislike with a
> passion.
> So, owning a Macbook pro and maybe later, a stripped down mini, but
> somewhat dependent upon iTunes miser, I'm looking for alternatives
> software. What was great when I get it running on the Mac solution is
> the IPAD remote interface because not only can the family use it, my 94
> year old dad can actually find music through my library and select.
> Given his "Alzheimers" state of mind, that's been way cool when it
> works. The main goal is sound quality, to deliver as jitter free a
> stream as I can to my soon to arrive NAD M51 DAC. 
> I have a library in both lossless Apple, and FLAC. I have an Oppo BDP95
> and have been using an external hard drive with my libraries. Hard drive
> is connected to Oppo via USB.
> I'm told having an external hard drive via USB to Oppo will not add
> jitter because it does not deal with clocks. So, if that's true, one
> interface is to use the Oppo HDMI input feeding it with NAD HDMI output
> which is essentially an I2S implementation and use the very basic Oppo's
> interface to access music from the hard drive. From NAD I go balanced to
> my preamp and all is supposedly well.
> Here's where I get really confused. EDO, the new SB app, utilizes the
> Touch to interface an outboard DAC with Squeezecenter? If I have a
> library stored on the MAC, this can be accessed through Squeezecenter,
> outputted from MAC through either USB or SPDIF without the need for an
> expensive interface such as Offramp or Audiophilia clocks to deal with
> jitter? This would be very cool as I would have a really nice remote
> interface to control my library with a really nice software suite from
> Logitech, and not the crappy iTunes interface. 
> Too good to be true huh?
> Hope I spelled this out logically :\

i have touch > usb > mf vlink 192 > aes/ebu > m51 - with careful choice
of usb cable can sound v good.

think triode is working on fix for edo usb out to m51, but I am happy
with mf vlink 192 over quality of m51 usb because it gives me balanced
out into m51 aes/ebu.

various other forums rave about touch to m51 via offramp, others like
the berkeley solution, others say buy a better dac.

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