Too many questions here to reply to each separately.

When using one of the software players on a computer on your network
(hardwired or wifi) it connects to the server just like any other SB
player. IF you are using the tinyLMS on the Touch it can actually serve
music  to a software player on a laptop, but just beware of the
limitations. LMS on a real computer can handle many players at once. 

In my house we actually use all three of the software players mentioned.
My wife has an older SB3 in  her sewing room so she likes to use
SoftSqueeze on here laptop since the interface is the same as the SB3. I
use the Touch in a couple lacations in the House so I use SqueezePlay on
my laptop which gives the same display as the Touch. The computer is the
office has both SoftSqueeze and SqueezePlay, my wife uses SoftSqueeze
when she is in there and I use SqueezePlay whenI am in there. I also
have SqueezeSlave running on al old  fanless EPIA board running linux
connected to a USB DAC in one of the rooms. (I generally use an Android
app to control this system)

Aaack! my computer just went crazy, I need to send this before I shut it
down, I'll respond more later.

John S.

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