sadexpunk wrote: 
> worked a treat thanks mate :-)
> wish i knew why tho!!!  i like to understand why things dont work and
> how to fix em, so im thinking this is just the latest prob that hasnt
> really been solved, altho it has if you see what i mean :-D
> thanks a lot mate

I don't think this is a "problem" that needs fixing in SB per se.  Your
router is a tiny computer. Your SB Touch is a tiny computer. Sometimes
things just get messed up in *any* computer and a reboot solves that.
Most of our other computers get rebooted if not daily, then at least
every so often. But the router and the SB player might go months and
months without a reboot. And SB players do seem to have some issues (by
design) in dealing with DHCP servers in routers that some other network
connected devices don't have.  I don't undertand the technical reasons
for this. But I can say that I give fixed IP addresses to all my SB
players and VB server and anything else that is on my network (and
doesn't leave my network).  And I mean a true fixed/static IP address,
not simply a "reserved" address within my router.  This said, while
everything is working, I'd go into my router setup and go ahead and
"reserve" the IP addresses that all your connected devices have used.

p.s.  to setup a fixed IP address in the TOUCH, you need to temporarily
turn OFF the DHCP server in your router. Then restart the TOUCH and go
through network setup for the TOUCH. It will fail to get an IP address
then scroll down on that screen on the touch and choose "enter IP
address manually". In your case it would be:

IP Address:  192.168.0.xx  (where xx is an address that is outside the
range handed out by your should see this in your router.
DNS server:

in Touch you may have to enter 3 digits, i.e.,

When done, go back into your Router and turn DHCP server back ON.

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