Mnyb wrote: 
> Was not that the design rationale behind the power supply John Swenson
> designed ? As such interaction can come from traditional power supplies
> to .
> There is to much subjective bias anyway as no one reports worse
> performance with any third party ps :) all linear power supplies are not
> good and switch mode power supplies are not inheritly bad .
> So why search for a " cheap linear supply" if one wants a cheap supply
> that is good ,switch mode is the obvius choice .

There are two primary goals of my PS design, one is to radically reduce
the noise injected back into the AC  mains, and the other is that ripple
presented to the regulator be a very clean almost pure sine wave. Even
inexpensive regulators do very well with sine waves, and most regulators
do poorly with the high frequency content provided by most supply

Most cheap linear supplies are frequently worse at these goals than good
switchers, but some switchers are REALLY bad. Since there is so much
variability between PS implementations it's hard to make

There is a group that has latched onto "lab supplies". There is no
guarnatee that a lab supply will be any better either. I have measured
some lab supplies that inject just as much noise back into the mains as
other supplies. And some are very good. But  just going to ebay and
getting the cheapest "lab supply" you can find is not going to guarantee
good results. 

The regulators in the Touch itself are particularly prone to input noise
in the 10KHz to 200KHz or so range, unfortunately a lot of the
inexpensive PS designs have a fair amount of noise in this region. This
is where special regulator designs such as the Teddy Regs etc shine,
they ARE good at suppressing noise in these ranges. With my PS I produce
a raw signal with almost nothing in this range so such regs are not
usually needed. 

John S.

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