Just to be clear: I don't read anything with regards to new products
into the crossgrade capability. We all know how many developers Logitech
has left on these product lines so we also all know how many new
products they can develop with those.

Now what I _do_ read into this announcement is that they are going to
keep MySB around for (at least) as long as they keep around
UESmartRadio.com which is probably something like two years after the
last one has been sold (otherwise they'd have a serious warranty issue
in Europe where they sell most if the stuff; no idea about the
implications in the US).
They are still selling and promoting Smart Radios through all channels
so I'd say we are safe until end of 2015 or until Logitech goes
bankrupt, whatever comes first.

Now if they had _forced_ Smart Radio users to switch to a Squeezebox
firmware, that would have been a different story since of course a
Squeezebox - other than a Smart Radio - can also be used without

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*New: Logitech UE Smart Radio* as well as iPeng Party, the free
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