LMS is running on a PC, correct? If so, this problem has nothing to do
with the Touch.

If LMS thinks that a scan is in progress, you may have to do a little
work to restart it. First, I would enable some debugging of the scan. In
the web interface, go to Settings > Advanced > Logging and change the
scan.import setting to 'Debug'. Also check the box above that says 'Save
logging settings for use at next application restart', then hit

On the Settings > Information page, take note of the location of the
cache folder, shown at the bottom of the page. Shut down LMS, then go to
the cache folder and delete everything in it.

Restart LMS and it will begin scanning your library again, except this
time it should be creating a detailed scanner log. To view that log, go
to the Settings > Information page and there will be a link to the
Scanner Log that will open the log in a web browser window. If the scan
hangs up, there should be some indication in the log of which file was
being scanned when it happens. The log may either show the last file
successfully scanned, or it might show the one that caused the hangup.

If you can't identify the exact file causing problem, you should at
least be able to tell which folder. If you use one folder per album,
like most people, move the problem folder out of your library, so that
LMS won't have to scan it, then launch a new scan.

JJZolx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=99433

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