Is it correct to assume when you say that you "browse by artist/album"
you mean you are browsing using the directory structure of your files?
Are you sure you're not getting "Music Folder" mixed up with "My Music",
which are different menu levels? That is, you are doing _everything_ via
My Music > Music Folder and not using LMS's menus for Artists, Albums,
etc. (eg, My Music > Artists)? 

If you're not confusing "Music Folder" with "My Music", I wonder if one
(or both) of two possibilities could be at work. 

1) Do you have any shortcuts or symbolic links that point from one part
of your music folder to another? If so, that could possibly create
multiple listings, one being the actual file and the other(s) being the
result(s) of followed links.

2) I wouldn't think that LMS's Guess Tags feature would be a factor, but
it's worth checking just to rule it out. Go to Settings > Advanced >
Formatting and delete all the contents in the "Guess Tags Formats"
boxes. Then click the apply button. 

Btw, when using Music Folder browsing, the scanning and the database
shouldn't come into play at all. Moreover, Music Folder browsing does
not present a "replica" of the music folder. Rather, it is reading the
folder contents directly from the drive.

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