Learnincurve wrote: 
> Slim logging is enabled on LMS.
> I don't see any underrun messages there, but there was a:
> 15-09-22 08:10:10.9340] Slim::Networking::UDP::init (39) FATAL: There is
> already another copy of the Logitech Media Server running on this
> machine. (Address already in use)
> I did a ps and found both squeezeboxserver_safe and sqezeboxserver.
> Stopping the daemon, testing for no running processes then starting
> again starts both processes again, but no warning.
> As you say, no audible interruption probably means the message (which
> happens about twice a minute) is bogus.

"Address already in use" can also happen if a you stop/start very
quickly (or on a small slow system) and some GUI has not close the 9000
port because waiting for a TCP ack or similar.  Best to wait a little
bit between restarts.

Not bogus because AFAIK it doesn't happen on other systems just not
worth worrying about at the moment.

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