
I solved the issues also by installing 7.8 on the Touch device through
LMS. I never use this, but read it somewhere and tried it. It worked! So
for now I keep it like this even as the issue is solved for everyone at
the official firmware.
Thanks to Mherger for sorting things out though. Appreciated!

Cavcalade wrote: 
> Here's what worked for me.
> Same problem with Spotify. Client outdated.
> Installed Logitech Media Server 7.9 on my computer. Updated the Touch.
> Now firmware 7.8.0 r16754 is installed.
> Turned off the Touch. Removed the active account and uninstalled
> Spotify. Re-installed Spotify and now it works again.
> I don't know whether this is only a temporary fix but at least it gets
> you playing some music for the moment. I also don't know if you need to
> update the Touches firmware. Just try removing your Spotify account,
> uninstalling and reinstalling first via mysqueezebox.com.
> Hope this helps.

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