Dalkinn wrote: 
> My Squeezebox Touch suddenly started acting up and I could use some
> assistance determining the cause. Some symptoms:
> 1) While playing a track and changing the position within the track
> (either via the screen or web controller) the audio and player stops.
> It's almost like it hangs but I can press the back button to get to the
> menu.
> 2) Sometimes the player will not proceed to the next track. I cannot
> determine a pattern to which tracks will advance and which won't.
> 3) Album art doesn't load on some albums. 
> I thought perhaps this was a connection issue, but it's had the same
> setup for years without an issue and the signal strength in the settings
> is strong (98%). I run LMS 7.9.1 on a separate server and I thought it
> might have something to do on that end, that an update somehow broke
> part of the software, but I can stream to my phone without any problems
> whatsoever (Using SqueezePlayer). Also, the album art loads just fine
> via the web controller so current signs all point to the problem with
> the Touch. I can also stream music online without an issue, but maybe
> this type of decoding is different?
> The firmware on the Touch is 7.8.0-r16754 which I believe is the most
> current. I've tried the restore to factory defaults with no change in
> status.
> Any ideas?

I am having similar issues with my Touch that started about a month ago.
Been running it wireless for years without problems at 100% signal
strength. Run LMS 7.9.2 with 7.8.0-r16754 firmware. Struggles to play
some tracks showing the message "connection reset by remote host" skips
some tracks before finding one to play. Album art won't load on some
tracks on the Touch but is there on the web controller like you are
experiencing. My apps (Pandora, Qobuz, Radio Paradise) seem to play
fine, only my music (WAV and FLAC files stored on my PC and external
hard drive) seem to be affected by these problems. I have tried
reinstalling the LMS even trying different versions and rebooting the
Touch itself with no improvement. The one thing that works is rebooting
my router/modem. After doing this everything plays perfectly. Only
problem is it doesn't last, this reboot is good for a day, sometimes a
little more sometimes a little less before it rears it's ugly little
head again. After weeks of troubleshooting I have noticed my Sonos
speaker I use on my patio is doing the same thing struggling to play my
music but fine with my apps. I am able to fix it the same way by
rebooting my router/modem and fix lasts about a day just like the Touch.
So now I am thinking it could be my Router/Modem now. AT&T was out and
checked my network fixing some things on the line but no improvement. I
will keep you posted on any progress I make. Try rebooting your Router
and see if you get any improvement. Good luck!

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