It's a dead thread, but I've now experienced what appears to be the same
issue. Ethernet is working, and WiFi seems to almost work, but doesn't.
We first noticed that the SBT didn't appear in LMS' players list. A
quick reboot fixed that, and then it started playing for about 30
seconds before the network connection failed. Since then, no luck (and
no usable information in the SBT's log files when I connect via SSH when
it is on Ethernet). Local WiFi networks are displayed, and sometimes the
connect operation appears to succeed (resulting in an IP address being
assigned), and even a few successful pings from my computer, but after a
few seconds, the connection is dead again. Manually assigning an IP does
not help either, so it looks like the WiFi component is failing (either
the chip or the antennas).

I'll check with a new power supply tonight, but I've tested two
different power supplies already (the original and an aftermarket
universal PSU that I originally bought for the SB3), so I don't think
the problem is a failing PSU. I've since ordered a nano-router to supply
a wireless connection via Ethernet (in the long run, I'll probably build
another pCP to replace the SBT).

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