duff138 wrote: 
> I will see if I can get that to work.  I have another Touch As well. 
> Was hoping if I synchronized them I could go through menu that way, but
> did not seem to work.
> On my working one, when I power on/off and hit home "now playing" is at
> the top.  I can scroll down 8 times and get to "settings". 
> Unfortunately the "setting" screen does not seem to have a default it
> goes to.  It stays on the last thing I had it on.  So I do not know how
> many to scroll down to get to Advanced.  Could be different every time.
> Going to see if there is any remote shortcuts I can find

I'm not 100% sure but if you put them next to each other then one remote
should operate both same time.. you could navigate on good  one and your
broken should be in same place..  
thats theory anyway..  I had to disable IR  on one touch as have radio
in same room and was causing headaches ;D  

dont see why 2 touches have different menu .. should be same .. hmm I
think,, good luck

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in
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