Got an intermittent problem that is doing my head in!

I use the Squeezer app on my Samsung Galaxy S9 to play music through my
hifi system stored on my Innuos Zen Mk3 Streamer/Server.  The Zen feeds
via USB cable into a Chord Dave DAC and into my amps and speakers.

I also access my Zen using Squeeze Remote on a Windows laptop.  And also
using the iPeng app on an Apple iPad. All devices are connected to my
home WiFi.

Much of the time Squeezer on my Galaxy S9 phone works fine, but every
week or so I suddenly find that Squeezer is unable to find the Zen
server - I get an error message "Connection failed".  But I can still
connect to the Zen from my laptop and from my iPad using the same IP
address as usual.  I have tried turning things off and then on again -
does not help.  I have tried rescanning on Squeezer for the Zen - still
can't find it.  I have tried manually typing in the IP address - still
can't find it.  The problem typically persists for a few days, even a
week, then suddenly for no apparent reason it starts working again OK! 
Then Squeezer might run OK for another week or so, but eventually the
fault happens again!

Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong?

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