zoleprole wrote: 
> OK, I understend, you suggest me replace my ST to Raspberry Pi 4.
> I will do that.
> For Raspberry Pi 4 it is not necessary separate computer, LMS install on
> SD card Raspberry Pi 4, right?

You can replace the ST with a RPi4 but do not have to.

You need the RPi to run LMS v8.2.1 ( The latest stable) as the ST
You can still use your Touch as the PLAYER and the RPi 4 running LMS is
the SERVER which handles the transcoding etc for your FLAC streams.
To begin you just need to burn a pCP (PicorePlayer) SDCard and put in

Later you can add a Dac HAT to the Rpi4 to have ANOTHER player if you
wish it is not REQUIRED


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