New member of the forum here, but I’ve been using the Squeezebox touch
off and on for years.

I’ve recently been hooked by the streaming services now that lossless
and hi-res music is widely available. The Squeezebox Touch is now a
central part of my system.  I’ve updated LMS to the latest release
(8.x), installed the community firmware on the Touch, installed the EDO
plug-in, and the Qobuz plug-in. Using USB out into my RME-ADI-2 DAC

All works mostly great, with some occasional glitchiness probably
related to the quality of my home network.

When I look at the list of installed plug-ins on LMS it’s pretty
extensive.  Do I really need all them?  Is there a recommended basic
list of what should be there?

I guess mostly I’m concerned that this giant list of installed plug-ins
is actually working to my detriment.  I’m generally inclined toward
simpler is better.  I appreciate all comments and help!

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