LMS 8.2.0
Squeezebox Touch Firmware 7.8.0r16754

I have renamed a folder from 'Albums FLAC' to '00 Albums'.
The reason for this is because I mostly play albums and the previous
name meant I had to scroll to the bottom each time. The new name should
appear at the top of the listing.
I have deleted the old folder and added the new one in LMS library and
rescanned, but whenever I turn on the Squeezebox, I get the original
folder name showing and for some reason the LMS library gets changed
back too.
Although the LMS library folder naming is changed by the Squeezebox,
when I rescan, the file number reflects the number of files using the
new folder naming '00 Albums' and not the original 'Albums FLAC'.
What am I doing wrong?
Regards and thanks

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