Redrum wrote: 
> I have not used powerline adaptors, but it has always been my
> understanding that they work best on the same circuit (breaker) but at
> least need to be on the same phase leg to work reliably or at all.
> Here in the US/Northeast, power comes into our homes 240VAC - two hot
> "phases" (A,B or odd/even) and a neutral (and a ground of course). You
> obtain 240v between A+B, you have two "phases" of 120vac each between A
> + neutral and B + neutral. In your panel (typically) one phase is the
> left side row (A or odd number breakers), the other on the right (B or
> even number breakers).
> So (again only my understanding, never tried) both the tx and rx of the
> adaptors need to both be on breakers of even or odd number, and work
> best (?) if they are on the same breaker, which allot of the time is not
> practical (allot of the time one breaker feeds an area/room.
> If you are curious, maybe you could check this and try moving one or the
> other, at least as a test.
> Jim

Thanks for your awesome post Jim. Electricity is way above my pay grade
so I rang our works site electrician who kindly explained to me the
difference between US and UK (that’s where I am) domestic electrical
circuits. All of the sockets in our house are on 1 x 32A breaker so in
theory - distance between powerline sockets aside - they should be ok.

Interestingly I have been running successfully for several months on
wifi only but I recently built a raspberry pi spotify client which is
located near to the touch (they both feed into the same DAC) and I
wanted to run it on ethernet so have revisited powerlines.

I bought another set, plugged everything in and got the same problem :)

After much reading and swearing I separated all of the electrical
appliances in the area (DAC, amp, touch and raspberry pi) onto a 4 gang
extension socket which left the powerline on its own socket. The theory
being to shift anything electrically “noisy” away from the powerline.
After doing this everything has been running seamlessly (touch wood!!)

Picture attached of our UK main consumer unit.


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