bpa wrote: 
> The audio format AAC vs MP3 of the input shouldn't matter as the SBT
> will deocde into PCM.
> If the DAC has a problem with sample 44.1kHz vs 48Khz rate - then BBC
> will show this up - but other stream should play OK.  To check on the
> HLS issue - post the specific URL of the problem France Musique stream.
> If there is an issues about sample size - SBT always sends same number
> of bits so again input format shouldn't matter.
> It is possible that LMS player delay settings which inject "silence"
> might cause problems as DAC tries to change sample rate from the
> "silence" rate to the audio stream.

Using SBT dac - BBC Sounds and France Musique channels work fine. The
latter works ok with AAC and MP3 but not HLS. SQ is good so no bother.
Using Ordinal Dac neither work but I hear instead scratchy tone.

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