I don't think that is the problems as DNS is working for everything else
on the PC. The strange thing is that when I first got the problem the
Web admin interface wouldn't display any thrid party plugins. I have no
idea why. I can't work out why that happened but just went to display
plugins again and it took an age to display them. Then it only displlays
active and inactive plugins. Having not configured for ages I have no
idea what I should be seeing. But the display took ages and I'm not
running on a slow PC and my network connection is fibre.

The problem happened this time when I went to play Radio Paradise on the
touch. Just wouldn't play and then said it couldn't access the stream.
Log file says couldn't resolve IP address again.

May be time to re-install LMS. Not sure which version I should be
running or what the touch should be running. The server is version 8.2.0
- 1627922070

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