On 03/22/2013 10:11:52 AM, Georgi Chorbadzhiyski wrote:
Around 03/22/2013 04:47 PM, Ilya Kuzmich scribbled:
> Implements -t -p ans -s. Same functionality as busybox logger sans
> numeric facility. Do we really need this?
> There is one sublte corner case though:
> logger "", logger "" "", or even logger </dev/null
> gnu silently ignores all of them
> busybox logs logger "" and logger "" "", but ignores logger </dev/null
> this toy logs them all

I think toybox already have that.


You're right, I need to marshall that stuff into pending too. (This weekend, I've managed about half a cleanup on either uuencode or uudecode, I forget which. Trying to get an aboriginal release out and getting called back into work because I missed a deadline soaked up most of my time...)

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