Hi Rob, list,

When I try building tip currently (make clean; make defconfig; make ),
the compilation aborts with:

Compile toybox...
lib/help.c:8:28: fatal error: generated/help.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [toybox] Error 1

On my system this is because make.sh contains

PYTHON="$(which python2)"
if [ ! -z "$PYTHON" ] &&
   [ ! -z "$(grep 'CONFIG_TOYBOX_HELP=y' $KCONFIG_CONFIG)" ]
  echo "Extract help text from Config.in."
  "$PYTHON" scripts/config2help.py Config.in > generated/help.h || exit 1

But my system (Debian 7.0) has no python2 symlink. It actually does
have python2.6 and python2.7 symlinks. So I would at least advice to
check for any of the earlier to exist, rather than python2.

Another issue is that it's not very graceful in error handling.

Attached you can find a patch which searches for python, python2.6 and
python2.7 (in that order) and prints out a friendly warning if the
user requested help but python2.x could not be found.

my 2 cents

Elie De Brauwer

Attachment: python_probe.patch
Description: Binary data

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