Hi List,

While verifying the command grep and analysing/comparing the behavior
with GNU and busybox. I notices following

1. __-H__ and __-h__ options, we prefer -H over -h, GNU and Busybox prefer
the last one mentioned on command line.

2. links are not followed for doing grep, i.e. grep "search" <linkToFile or
Dir> -r
    no results are shown. Shouldn't the link be followed.

3. searching in binary files, toybox gives very minimal or no results, e.g.
    grep "toy" toybox_unstripped, reports 4-5 lines whereas GNU/BBox fills
the scroll       buffer.

The spec http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/grep.html

doesn't mention anything for these behavior  or options.

Do have a look and give your inputs on
What is the right one to be followed?

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