On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:54 AM, stephen Turner
<stephen.n.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> so Gnu make isnt bad but it isnt that great either, I found what looks like
> it might be a nice little make program but the depressing down side is it
> uses a new language tcl. its so simple! I dont understand why stuff like
> this doesnt catch on unless its not as good as they are making it out to be?
> http://wiki.tcl.tk/9293
> on a plus side it sounds like tcl is easy to learn. albiet its not as simple
> as just writing a shell script for a makefile

Tcl is a scripting language created by John Ousterhout when he was a
Professor of Computer Science at UC.  His students were developing a
network operating system called Amoeba.  Dr. Ousterhout wrote Tcl to
be a glue language.  Tk was added later as a means of providing
graphical widgets, and has been used in other efforts as well.

Tcl underlies Done Libes' Expect utility, which is just the thing if
you need to automate processes that are normally run interactively.

You could probably use Tcl to implement make functionality (though I'm
not aware of anyone who has), but that requires you to have Tcl
available.  It's available for Linux, but not all distros include it
as a default.

I recommend Brent Welch's "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk" from
Prentice Hall as the best Tcl book I'm aware of.  For Expect, you want
Don Libes' "Exploring Expect" published by O'Reilly.

> https://lkubuntu.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/shbuild-an-alternative-to-gnu-make-using-shell-scripts/
> am i missing something or is gnu make the only Makefile processing make
> program without adding additional dependencies like perl?

Another popular alternative is Scons (http://www.scons.org/), but
Scons requires Python.

Wikipedia has a list of build automation software -
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