On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
> I'm hoping that in future Android grows a userbase plugging their phone
> into a USB hub with hdmi adapter, mouse, and keyboard (or chromecasting
> to their TV with bluetooth keyboard and mouse) that can actually pop up
> a terminal window. I'd like android devices to grow into the workstation
> space and organically displace PC hardware. Your suggested change works
> against that goal, when you _do_ have a terminal size, it's good to use
> it...

There are attempts to create X86 ports of Android that *can* be used
that way.  They are all alpha at this point.

One of the things I've been watching for a while is convergence, and
the idea that you'll run a flavor of the *same* OS on any device you
may have.  Ironically, Windows seems closest, with Windows on the
server, desktop,  laptop, notebook, tablet, and phone.  OS/X and iOS
are increasingly converging, and seeing OS/X subsumed into iOS and iOS
running on everything Apple makes would not be a surprise.

Linux is the odd man out, given that the Linux kernel itself runs on
almost everything, but there are more different and largely
incompatible distros than I can keep track of.  Android being the
one-size-fits-all Linux distro that unifies the Linux space seems to
be the best bet for convergence there.

I have a good terminal app on my Android tablet (Jack Palevich's
Terminal Emulator), and I look forward to a  version of Toybox than
can make Busybox go away.  I regularly use an external keyboard, and
can use a mouse if I plug in a hub.

Given the steadily increasing power and decreasing size of components,
I don't expect it to be long before your phone *is* your computing
device, that you carry around as a phone, and plug into a docking
station with KB, mouse, monitor, NAS and the like and *poof!*, it's
your workstation.
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