On 29 Feb 2016 19:52, enh wrote:
> seems like that glibc thread ground to a halt?

not really ... mailman is just really really crappy when it comes to
threads across month date lines.  so if you look at later months, you
can see more info.

long story short, we're going to try to come up with a deprecation
path so you get warnings by default.  after a few release cycles,
we'll move to dropping them entirely.  Zack posted some patches but
we were waiting to release 2.23.

> did anyone actually rebuild debian with such a change?

no idea.  i've gone further in Gentoo for glibc-2.23 and actually
deleted the include entirely.  this is shaking out bugs that we're
getting fixed in relevant upstream packages.  hence my thread here :).

> did glibc make this change? has it shipped yet?

not yet

> we had the same major/minor pollution bug reported against bionic but
> closed it as WAI saying that that's what glibc does. but if glibc
> removes the transitive #include, i'd love to.

i would drop it in Bionic now

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