On 10/23/2018 02:58 PM, dmccunney wrote:
> Their response was to implement provisions of the DKIP specifications.
> One requires email to be digitally signed to prove it's from who it
> says it's from.  Another requires that email not be *changed* en
> route.  This *breaks* mailing lists, because the list server must
> alter the headers as part of what it does.  People complained to AOL
> and Yahoo, and the response was basically "Don't *use* mailing lists.
> Use web forums like we provide!"
> How badly this bites depends on the email server that delivers your
> mail.  Some will see that the headers on list mail have been altered,
> decide it's spam, and discard it undelivered.   You'll never know it
> was sent.  Others (like Gmail) will accept and deliver but label it as
> spam.  I've had conversations on other lists where I explained the

And will then use "this message is like other spam messages" to metastasize
through your entire mailbox. Which is a bit hard to undo if any of the messages
have expired out of the 30 day window before you can "this is not spam" them.
(They're still similar! Now _forever_...)

> You can mark an email source as "Never send to Spam", but the last
> time I tried it, every message from that source  had a banner included
> that said it had been passed by a filter I created.  This was annoying
> enough that I found it simpler to just redirect stuff to the Inbox
> that had been flagged as spam.

I don't care about the banners, I download all my email via pop3 (because
downloading it via imap doesn't work with gmail and thunderbird).

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