On 4/12/19 8:58 PM, David Seikel wrote:
> I presume you meant to send this to the list.


> On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 15:52:10 -0500 Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
>> On 4/11/19 9:46 PM, David Seikel wrote:
>>>>> luckily i suspect in 2019 we mainly want function keys just so we
>>>>> can throw them away and get on to the next meaningful keypress!
>>>>> but i can easily put this back to one constant per key if you
>>>>> prefer.    
>>>> Unfortunately a command line utility doesn't get to _see_ the
>>>> function keys, so yeah probably.  
>>> Users of mc and mcedit need functioning function keys, though they
>>> do have a backup of Esc $DIGIT, which helps when a lot of X
>>> terminals use F10 for their menus.  I know I long ago tried to get
>>> mcedit into toybox.  
>> I googled, the first page is entirey about a world editor for
>> minecraft?
> mcedit is the text editor that comes with midnight commander, it can
> be used stand alone.  Dunno about minecraft.

I'd planned to make an editor I could program to act like (at least) vi,
microemacs, joe, and nano. But somebody else is writing a vi so I guess not...

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