On Sat, Jan 18, 2020 at 2:34 AM Jarno Mäkipää <jmaki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I looked into ex commands little bit more, All the edits seem to be
> line based or correct me if im wrong?

No, that's correct.  Ex is a line editor.

AT&T Unix provided vi, ex, and view.  Vi  was the full screen editor.
Ex was a line editor.  View was a read-only file viewer.

All three were links to the same underlying executable.  It looked at
the name it was called by when invoked and assumed the proper

Back when, AT&T divested itself of Unix System Laboratories, and USL
was bought by Novell.  After then CEO Ray Noorda was pushed out by
Novell's board, the effort became part of Caldera.

Caldera released the source code for traditional vi under a BSD
license in 2002.  It's available here if you want to see what they
did: https://ex-vi.sourceforge.net/

https://sourceforge.net/projects/ex-vi/ is a better link for downloads.

I learned vi under AT&T Unix System V Release 2.  I have Vim, but for
the use I make of it, it might as well *be* vi.  I have never needed
all the bells and whistles Vim added.

I'd be *delighted* by an Honest-to-$DEITY vi in Toybox.
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