Realistically, corrupt ELF files are rare enough that it's more likely
that we've actually found a bug in file(1), such as the .bss bug fixed
in the previous patch. That bug went undiscovered so long because we
silently give up on ELF files we don't understand, and the output didn't
look obviously broken even if you'd been told it was broken and were
looking at it.

Give up noisily instead so we find and fix any future bugs more quickly.

Also remove some duplicated code: the commit that switched to mmap(2)
rather than lseek(2) had two copies of the mmap call.
 toys/posix/file.c | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
From 5d2b85e1671f63cf87f61fa35b28b536d7b6a642 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Elliott Hughes <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 19:11:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] file(1): call out apparently invalid ELF files.

Realistically, corrupt ELF files are rare enough that it's more likely
that we've actually found a bug in file(1), such as the .bss bug fixed
in the previous patch. That bug went undiscovered so long because we
silently give up on ELF files we don't understand, and the output didn't
look obviously broken even if you'd been told it was broken and were
looking at it.

Give up noisily instead so we find and fix any future bugs more quickly.

Also remove some duplicated code: the commit that switched to mmap(2)
rather than lseek(2) had two copies of the mmap call.
 toys/posix/file.c | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/toys/posix/file.c b/toys/posix/file.c
index 9330da13..2e65bcfa 100644
--- a/toys/posix/file.c
+++ b/toys/posix/file.c
@@ -69,15 +69,9 @@ static void do_elf_file(int fd)
   // "x86".
   printf("%s", elf_arch_name(elf_int(toybuf+18, 2)));
-  if (bail) goto bad;
   // If what we've seen so far doesn't seem consistent, bail.
-  // Parsing ELF means following tables that may point to data earlier in
-  // the file, so sequential reading involves buffering unknown amounts of
-  // data. Just skip it if we can't mmap.
-  if (MAP_FAILED == (map = mmap(0, TT.len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)))
-    goto bad;
+  if (bail) goto bad;
   // Stash what we need from the header; it's okay to reuse toybuf after this.
   phentsize = elf_int(toybuf+42+12*bits, 2);
@@ -93,15 +87,24 @@ static void do_elf_file(int fd)
     printf(", bad phentsize %d?", phentsize);
     goto bad;
+  if (phoff>TT.len || phnum*phentsize>TT.len-phoff) {
+    printf(", bad phoff %lu?", phoff);
+    goto bad;
+  }
+  if (shoff>TT.len || shnum*shsize>TT.len-shoff) {
+    printf(", bad shoff %lu?", phoff);
+    goto bad;
+  }
   // Parsing ELF means following tables that may point to data earlier in
   // the file, so sequential reading involves buffering unknown amounts of
   // data. Just skip it if we can't mmap.
-  if (MAP_FAILED == (map = mmap(0, TT.len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)))
+  if (MAP_FAILED == (map = mmap(0, TT.len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0))) {
+    perror_msg("mmap");
     goto bad;
+  }
   // Read the phdrs for dynamic vs static. (Note: fields reordered on 64 bit)
-  if (phoff>TT.len || phnum*phentsize>TT.len-phoff) goto bad;
   for (i = 0; i<phnum; i++) {
     char *phdr = map+phoff+i*phentsize;
     unsigned p_type = elf_int(phdr, 4);
@@ -113,7 +116,10 @@ static void do_elf_file(int fd)
     p_offset = elf_int(phdr+(4<<bits), 4<<bits);
     p_filesz = elf_int(phdr+(16<<bits), 4<<bits);
     if (p_type==3) {
-      if (p_filesz>TT.len || p_offset>TT.len-p_filesz) goto bad;
+      if (p_filesz>TT.len || p_offset>TT.len-p_filesz) {
+        printf(", bad phdr %d?", i);
+        goto bad;
+      }
       // TODO: if (int)<0 prints endlessly, could go off end of map?
       printf(", dynamic (%.*s)", (int)p_filesz, map+p_offset);
@@ -123,18 +129,23 @@ static void do_elf_file(int fd)
   // We need to read the shdrs for stripped/unstripped and any notes.
   // Notes are in program headers *and* section headers, but some files don't
   // contain program headers, so check here. (Note: fields reordered on 64 bit)
-  if (shoff<0 || shoff>TT.len || shnum*shsize>TT.len-shoff) goto bad;
   for (i = 0; i<shnum; i++) {
     char *shdr = map+shoff+i*shsize;
     unsigned long sh_offset;
     int sh_type, sh_size;
-    if (shdr>map+TT.len-(8+(4<<bits))) goto bad;
+    if (shdr>map+TT.len-(8+(4<<bits))) {
+      printf(", bad shdr %d?", i);
+      goto bad;
+    }
     sh_type = elf_int(shdr+4, 4);
     sh_offset = elf_int(shdr+8+(8<<bits), 4<<bits);
     sh_size = elf_int(shdr+8+(12<<bits), 4);
     if (sh_type == 8 /*SHT_NOBITS*/) sh_size = 0;
-    if (sh_offset>TT.len || sh_size>TT.len-sh_offset) goto bad;
+    if (sh_offset>TT.len || sh_size>TT.len-sh_offset) {
+      printf(", bad shdr %d?", i);
+      goto bad;
+    }
     if (sh_type == 2 /*SHT_SYMTAB*/) {
       stripped = 0;
@@ -149,16 +160,22 @@ static void do_elf_file(int fd)
       while (sh_size >= 3*4) { // Don't try to read a truncated entry.
         unsigned n_namesz, n_descsz, n_type, notesz;
-        if (note>map+TT.len-3*4) goto bad;
+        if (note>map+TT.len-3*4) {
+          printf(", bad note %d?", i);
+          goto bad;
+        }
         n_namesz = elf_int(note, 4);
         n_descsz = elf_int(note+4, 4);
         n_type = elf_int(note+8, 4);
         notesz = 3*4 + ((n_namesz+3)&~3) + ((n_descsz+3)&~3);
-        if (notesz<n_namesz || notesz<n_descsz) goto bad;
-        // Does the claimed size of this note actually fit in the section?
-        if (notesz > sh_size) goto bad;
+        // Are the name/desc sizes consistent, and does the claimed size of
+        // the note actually fit in the section?
+        if (notesz<n_namesz || notesz<n_descsz || notesz>sh_size) {
+          printf(", bad note %d size?", i);
+          goto bad;
+        }
         if (n_namesz==4 && !memcmp(note+12, "GNU", 4) && n_type==3) {
           printf(", BuildID=");

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