On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 8:45 PM Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
> On 3/17/24 14:52, Oliver Webb wrote:
> > On Thursday, March 14th, 2024 at 12:04, enh <e...@google.com> wrote:
> >> at a high level, it does seem like many/most people interpret "pending" as 
> >> "almost done" (he says, being part of the problem himself, having several 
> >> pending things building and shipping on all Android devices) whereas in 
> >> actual fact it can mean anything from "yeah, actually pretty much done" to 
> >> "will be completely rewritten" via "still just trying random experiments 
> >> trying to work out _how_ this should be rewritten".
> >> sadly i don't have a better suggestion...
> >
> > pending/experimental and pending/functional maybe, or something along that 
> > gist?
> That would be my "not adding more complexity to manage transient clutter that
> should instead go away" objection, already made.
> > Then again it'd make it harder to track the history of pending commands, 
> > adding only new ones
> > to those 2 directories would fix that, but would make the organizational 
> > problem for the old
> > ones worse.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_theorem_of_software_engineering
> Stop. No. Halt. Wait. Hold it. Woah. Cease. Desist. Caution severe tire 
> damage.
> Klatu barata nikto. Subcalifragilisticexpialidocious.
> >> a branch would be the usual git option, but that would probably mean "no 
> >> pending stuff in the main branch"
> >
> > Also a problem if you want to switch Version Control systems or distribute 
> > tarballs without a .git/ directory.
> I already DID switch version control systems (from mercurial to git), and I
> already distribute release tarballs. Why do you think these are new issues?
> > It'd hide these commands too,
> I want to close tabs. I am not creating additional scaffolding for clutter
> management:
> $ ls -d */toys
> clean3/toys  clean8/toys     github/toys  kl4/toys  kl9/toys      toybox/toys
> clean5/toys  clean.old/toys  kl10/toys    kl6/toys  kleen/toys
> clean6/toys  clean/toys      kl2/toys     kl7/toys  kl/toys
> clean7/toys  debian/toys     kl3/toys     kl8/toys  release/toys
> I already try not to publish quite as much clutter as accumulates locally.
> There's some real fossils checked into the tree. I started work on gene2fs 
> back
> under busybox, checked in what I had to the toybox repo in 055cfcbe5b05 in 
> 2007
> and haven't LOOKED at it this decade because I just haven't gotten back around
> to it. Since then they INVENTED EXT4. (I still hope to get back to it, but at
> the moment I'm answering email.)
> > For the first time I checked if there were any special branches in the repo 
> > because
> > I didn't bother to think about that in the months I spent working on it.
> >
> >> i still struggle between "other" and "lsb" in particular.
> >
> > Same here, I can remember the posix commands.
> Can you? I still have to check some from time to time, and the definition of
> whether "tar" is a posix command or not is outright eldrich bordering on 
> quantum.
> > But I don't care about LSB enough to
> > memorize everything in wants. And keeping all completed commands that 
> > aren't in poisx,
> > lsb, networking or android
> The "example" directory is important because it's the only other directory of
> commands that should not "default y" in defconfig. It has a policy 
> distinction.
> Back in 2012, when the number of commands was growing fast and having one big
> directory of them all was getting a bit busy, the alternative of sorting them
> into directories was annotating them with tags, and THAT was a nightmare (of 
> the
> "this command has three tags" variety). And also implied future pressure to
> extend the existing kconfig implementation to USE the tags, which would be 
> worse.
> Moving them into subdirectories, with each command in ONE directory, and a
> README explaining what the directory was for, with kconfig automatically
> displaying them in menus and using the first line of the README as the menu's
> title, seemed the least bad crowd control option at the time.
> > in a massive "other" folder sorta defeats
> > the purpose of these directories which are supposed to reduce clutter.
> It wasn't really about reducing clutter. I mean yeas, back then some web 
> viewers
> wouldn't display more than 250 files in a directory, the way github truncates 
> at
> 1000 today:
> https://github.com/landley/linux/tree/master/arch/arm/boot/dts
> But the goal was annotating command categories. Posix and pending are obvious,
> and I mentioned example. Back when I split them up, LSB was still a viable
> standard (the Linux Foundation hadn't destroyed it yet), and it STILL kind of
> means "this command existed back in Y2K and was considered part of the base
> system back then, even if posix never caught up". Several commands in pending
> get promoted into LSB (such as most of the password stuff, although oddly
> mkpasswd is NOT in lsb 4.1).
> Hmmm, possibly instead of a dead standard the linux foundation killed, I 
> should
> instead check the $PATH of my old red hat 9 install from the dawn of time...

the BSDs have already done that experiment for us (with bin, sbin,
usr.bin, and usr.sbin [and contrib!] directories), and it's also a

"if the new organization _still_ means i need to use find(1) for a
command that's default 'y', we haven't made things any better" :-)

> Hah, it's still on busybox's website:
> https://busybox.net/downloads/qemu/rh-9-shrike.img.bz2 Login as user busybox
> password busybox, I believe the root password is also busybox. But that's
> post-1.0, I'm not changing horses midstream...
> Anyway, toys/android basically meant (to me), "commands that come from and are
> maintained by Elliott which I can't even test because they don't apply to a
> vanilla linux system that isn't running the full android environment". 
> Although
> that's a personally idiosyncratic definition because I lumped selinux in with
> that;

(heh. you beat me to it :-) )

> the only other environment I've noticed having a big selinux rule stack is
> Red Hat. I haven't noticed a lot of selinux in debian, arch, gentoo, alpine,
> buildroot... Even SuSE used apparmor instead, although they switched to 
> selinux
> recently because their business model is to be the Diet Red Hat so vendors 
> have
> a second source to solicit enterprise bids from, so there's business logic to
> minimizing the delta between them regardless of technical merit (and spending
> less maintaining parallel infrastructure just to sign things in triplicate).
> I admit "toys/net" is a distinction that hasn't really worked out: I didn't 
> even
> put nbd_client.c and nbd_server.c in there. I could move all that into other I
> suppose, if one less directory was worth making git log history less 
> obvious...
> And then everything that ISN'T in one of those groups needed a place to go,
> hence "other". It's not ideal, but it was motivated by the number commands
> continuing to increase and One Big Directory getting a bit busy, and needing a
> place for "pending".

(tbh, just merging "lsb" into "other" would be a step forwards. wtf
is/was "lsb" anyway? and while i can _usually_ guess "POSIX or not?"
correctly, "lsb or other" is impossible by virtue of being

> It's been the status quo for a dozen years now (commit 3a9241add947 in 2012) 
> and
> moving everything AGAIN would have costs, so I'd want a reason and assurance
> that we're not going to change our minds again.

for me the holy grail is "tab complete works and i don't have to think
about arbitrary partitions". i think "not yet default 'y'" is pretty
defensible (though the reason we're having this discussion is because
people _don't_ read "pending" as "danger, keep out!"), but the rest
seem so arbitrary.

> Collapsing the directories
> together when the last command is promoted (or deleted) out of pending might
> make sense, figuring out what to do about example/ (trusting to the demo_ 
> prefix
> to annotate the example commands is nice, but hello.c hostid.c logpath.c and
> skeleton.c would need... something).

no, i think example/ is defensible too. (i'd argue you're only ever
going to look in there if you have a _reason_ to. or you've done a
`grep -r` for something you're changing/checking all references to.
the reason i completely forgot about example/ is that it never causes
me the "where the fuck is _mount_?!" annoyance :-) )

> I also note I think I've figured out how to replace kconfig: I can just make a
> list that scrolls up and down with a highlighted entry you hit space on, 
> handle
> help text, search, exit/save, resolve selects and depends and have "menus" be 
> a
> label line with its contents nested two spaces further to the right.
> That's because I don't actually care about visibility the way they do (maybe
> grey entries out but it just doesn't come up much), and my list doesn't nest 
> as
> deep as theirs so spacing off the right edge is less of a bother, and I don't
> support modules...
> But I need to close tabs to get there, and people keep sending me interrupts 
> to
> focus on instead.
> >> `vi toys/foo.c` would save me a lot of thinking/calls to find.
> >
> > Eh, keeping all the commands in a massive toys/ directory makes it harder 
> > to tell what we have.
> >
> > A possible solution is to...
> ...
> > Then again...
> I need to stop checking email every time I sit down at my laptop, because
> bikeshedding can eat an endless amount of time and I've got other stuff to do.
> For one thing, I promised to look at
> https://github.com/landley/toybox/issues/486 tonight. (I did the code change
> right after reading the commit, it's fluffing out the test suite to make sure 
> I
> know what it should be doing and that it's getting it right that's the 
> headache;
> "install -dm +x blah" applies the +x to 000 for some reason, and "umask 0;
> install -d x" still does 755 so the behavior is NOT 777 minus umask...)
> > In any event, a complete reorganization of the commands would make the 
> > history of them a lot
> > harder to keep track of.
> I believe I've said that every time this topic comes up.
> Right, enough meetings about the lack of progress...
> Rob
> P.S. I never mind people asking "what's the status of" or "why didn't you", 
> and
> when people say they don't personally like stuff they can never actually be
> WRONG about that. But suggesting what I "should" do is... tiring.
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