On 6/11/24 16:56, Ray Gardner wrote:
> Elliot, thanks for the positive feedback on the docs, but I really
> wish you and Rob would try the program. I waited a while to see what
> Rob would have to say. He doesn't seem the sort to be at a loss for
> words, but ... nothing. Any idea why he's had nothing to say about an
> awk for toybox?

Why are you asking Elliott? He's in California, I'm currently in Minneapolis, we
haven't spoken in person since before the pandemic. (I mean, he has my cell
phone number and can text me, but it doesn't come up much?)

Remember the "poke me a week later if I forget"? I consider myself poked,
somewhat passive-aggressively. :)

I have the tab open, the reason I haven't looked at it yet is A) it's 4500
lines, B) in a thing I have WAY insufficient existing domain expertise in (but
multiple bookmarked tutorials and an entire book on somewhere).

I'm currently re-familiarizing myself with the toysh redirection code to fix a
nasty bug there, which has been a todo item I haven't finished for 3 weeks, and
in the past week I installed a new laptop with a non-EOL version of devuan, and
setting that up I found multiple things that the world moving on without me 

Sigh, my blog's way behind, just updated it to the 21st, but here's blog
spoilers which probably do not render properly as html yet and doesn't have
links to things I mention (the patch mentioned at the end is
https://landley.net/bin/mkroot/latest/linux-patches/0008-elfcrap.patch and no I
haven't fixed it yet):

June 7

<p>Stuff's a bit chopped up since I'm straddling two laptops. Still blogging
from the old one, and the old one has the reasonable battery (I should order
another battery) so I can't take the new one out to random coffee shop
yet but only use it plugged in at the desk. So I'm blogging about what I did
based on a notes.txt file I scp'd over to the old machine.</p>

<p>Package dependencies remain out of control: for some reason "apt-get install
git" wanted "libperl-error" which is just sad. I'm vaguely annoyed that
build-essential installed fakeroot and three *-perl packages and so on,
but that's the cost of using a meta-package somebody else curates.
(Saying "the following additional packages will be
installed" and then "the following NEW packages will be installed" with
the only difference being the second one incldues the package I requested...
that seems non-optimal, especially when the list is 37 packages long).

<p>The new debain toolchain is hallucinating a warning when I build toybox
with it, <b>toys/posix/grep.c:211:24: warning: 'regexec0' accessing 8 bytes
in a region of size 4 [-Wstringop-overflow=]</b>
and futher <b>note: referencing argument 5 of type 'regmatch_t[0]'</b>.
This warning is wrong in multiple ways.</p>

<p>First the code's been run under ASAN
a lot without complaint, and no other toolchain produces this warning: not llvm,
not gcc, and musl-cross-make has been building the same gcc 12.0 version which
does NOT produce the warning. Something debian locally patched into its
"gcc 12.0-14" is producing a warning that vanilla gcc does not produce.
That makes it a bit suspicious to begin with.</p>

<p>I inspected the code anyway, and argument 5 of the call to regexec0() in
do_grep() is an 8 byte pointer to a 16 byte structure. There's no "region
of size 4" to be found. The argument <b>&amp;shoe->m</b> is a pointer
to an entry of type regmatch_t, and that struct contains two entries of
regoff_t which is ssize_t which is long, thus 16 bytes on a 64-bit system.
Even on a 32 bit system, the two of them would still add up to 8 bytes.
The structure is allocated to its full size. There's nothing wrong with the
code that I've been able to spot.</p>

<p>I _think_ what might be happening is shoe->m lives in "shoe" which is
most recently assigned to in the enclosing for() loop via
<b>shoe = (void *)TT.reg;</b> and TT.reg in the GLOBALS() block is declared as
<b>struct double_list *reg;</b> because at that level we only care that it's
a doubly linked list, not what members each list entry has in
the command-local "struct reg". Except even THAT theory is funky because
double_list has three pointers: next, prev, and data, each of which is 8 bytes,
where is it getting size 4? If it was comparing sizeof(*TT.reg) with
sizeof(*shoe) then shoe-&gt;m starts off the end of the smaller struct.
If the compiler can't keep the types straight then it's not a size 4 issue,
it's an out of bounds access.</p>

<p>The type of the "shoe" pointer is "struct reg", which has 5 members.
The argument it's complaining about is a pointer to the 5th member, which
is indeed a regmatch_t. (And the error is SAYING it's a regmatch_t, which
is neither 4 nor 8 bytes long, it's 16. Neither the pointer, not the struct,
nor any member OF that struct, match the constraint it's insisting was

<p>The only place there's a member of size 4 is "int rc", the third member
of struct reg. And struct double_list only HAS 3 members, and "m" is
the last member struct reg, so maybe somehow the compiler is confusing
(struct reg *)shoe->m with (struct reg *)shoe->rc because
(struct double_list *)TT.reg only has 3 members? The last member of struct reg
is the 5th member, the last member of struct double_list is the 3rd member,
and the 3rd member of reg is 4 bytes. (Of course the typecast multiple lines
previously saying "this is not actually a pointer to that other type, they
have nothing to do with each other". It would have to bounce off an irrelevant
historical type AND specially care about "last member" to get this WRONG.)</p>

<p>Dunno. It really seems like a broken warning. I dunno how to squelch it.
There is no region of size 4 involved in any way with the 5th argument.
(shoe->rc isn't used as an argument, the return value is assigned to it,
no pointers involved there). Maybe if I change the prototype of regexec0()
in lib/lib.h so its 5th argument says regmatch_t *pmatch instead of regmatch_t
pmatch[] it'll shut up? (It's the same thing! Magic tweak to avoid triggering
someone else's bug, and that's IF it works. I'm at the wrong laptop to

<p>The new debian toolchain also broke gcc/glibc ASAN, complaining (at runtime)
"ASan runtime does not come first in initial library list; you should
either link runtime to your application or manually preload it with
LD_PRELOAD." which is that <a href=27-04-2024>library ordering</a>
nonsense back to rear its ugly head again and I refuse to humor
these INSANE ASSHOLES. If LLVM/bionic works without this, then it's
NOT REQUIED, they're just really bad at it. Notice how the error message
doesn't don't say which library to LD_PRELOAD if I _did_ want to fix it,
it just refuses to work where the previous version worked. A clear regression.
Which I'm late enough in reporting it's a fait accompli, and I'm in the wrong
for not noticing their fuck-up in a timely manner. Far too late to start making
a fuss about it now...</p>

<p>(Is a required library not installed? I used "build-essential" instead
of manually installing gcc and make precisely so it would scoop up that kind
of nonsense... And it's complaining about library ORDERING, which is not
supposed to be a thing when dynamic linking.)</p>

<p>And THEN, of course, the 6.10-rc2 kernel broke my libelf removal patch
(really it's a patch to allow x86-64 to use the frame pointer unwinder
like EVERY OTHER ARCHITECTURE CAN). But now kconfig is
saying there's a circular dependency with HAVE_OBJTOOL
being selected. I do not understand what it's complaining about, but this
is an error not a warning so the build refuses to build.</p>

<p>Red queen's race. Running to stay in place...</p>
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