
I'm looking into running a TPM microconference at the Linux Plubmers 
Conference in Santa Fe the first week of November. Right now we have a 
bunch of individual pieces of TPM-related technology, but little overall 
coherence - almost nobody ships working TPM-enabled bootloaders, we have 
no known-good PCR values available, distributions are unclear on what 
the appropriate TPM 2.0 userlands to ship are, we don't even have a spec 
for how PCRs should be used under Linux.

If this seems like it'd be useful, please add your name to 
http://wiki.linuxplumbersconf.org/2016:tpms along with any additional 
topics you'd like to discuss - and if you'd like to lead a short 
discussion session, drop me an email with a description.

Matthew Garrett | mj...@srcf.ucam.org

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