On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 04:49:36PM -0500, Ken Goldman wrote:
> On 1/25/2017 8:04 PM, James Bottomley wrote:
> > This leads to a problem: we have to have access to the session context
> > to pull this trick, and that means we have to disallow TPM users from
> > calling ContextSave on a session otherwise they could DoS us by
> > inducing an unremediable TPM_RC_CONTEXT_GAP error (simply by keeping
> > the saved session and never loading it).
> I think it's perfectly acceptable to block applications from calling 
> context save for sessions.  I don't know of any use case that would 
> require it.
> (There are definitely use cases for context save on transient objects, 
> but they don't have the replay / gap issue.)

We should probably block the following from /dev/tpms0 by default:

1. ContextLoad for sessions.
2. ContextSave for sessions.
3. Vendor specific commands.


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