It looks like your subversion swig-py bindings are missing, which by
the make set your using there they almost definatly are.  Plus you
havn't given us any information on how you did you dependancies for
subversion and whether your running this system on an apache server or
using tracd and svnserve or some other configuration.  As such I'm just
going to dump a series of notes here that cover all the fun issues I've
had with Subversion in a linux enviroment.

You should not under any circumstance allow subversion to build it's
dependancies as part of its ./configure and make commands.  They never
work correctly and they use a bunch of defunct default compile commands
that will pretty much guarantee they never work correctly. -SO- move
all the dependancies that are important (apr, apr-util and neon.  Leave
zlib it works fine).  Then build them yourself, if you're using apache
do not build apr and apr-util, you want to use your apache servers
versions (or nothing will ever work correctly, trust me.)  so build
neon with shared and static libs enabled as part of it's configure
command, you can do other things here too it has a copius amount of
options.  Then go back to your subversion build, before you build it
you need to do 2 things.  Run apr-config --version and apu-config
--version, if they are less than version 1 do a locate for apr-1-config
and apu-1-config (this all assumes your using apache
2.2 which creates these files) these are the actual copies you want to
be using for apr / apr-util.  -SO- rename the old apr-config and
apu-config, then symbolic link the apr-1-config and apu-1-config to
where they used to be.  Now run ./configure for subversion and tell it
where the apxs binary is for apache (again assuming you are using
apache) and give it any other config commands you might want like
telling it to build with python support (important for trac).  Instead
of the default make that you showed use this:
make && make swig-py.  Let that cook then you can try make check (not
sure if there is a make check-swig-py).  And finally do a make install
&& make install-swig-py.  This should get your python bindings
configured correctly.
-Garrett McGrath

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