Your Apache config file is not valid:

either you peek mod_python and there is not directive involving "cgi"
rules, or you peek fastcgi and you don't want the <IfModule
mod_python.c> conditional statement. (I don't mention CGI that is not
recommended as it is far too slow)

If you can, use mod_python. Do you have mod python installed on your server?


> Hello every one:
> I am new to this tool and I am getting lost in the documentation.
> I have SVN installed and working properly. Then I created a directory
> called trac to host trac's files for each Project.
> So the final layout is like this
>  -- repos
>     |-- conf
>     |   |-- auth.txt
>     |   `-- users.txt
>     |-- svn
>     |   `-- projects
>     |       |-- prjkt1
>     |       |-- prjkt2
>     |       |-- prjkt3
>     |       `-- prjkt4
>     `-- trac
>         |-- prjkt1
>         |-- prjkt2
>         |-- prjkt3
>         `-- prjkt4
> Now the problem starts. I have the trac config file for apache
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/trac.conf :
> <LocationMatch /cgi-bin/trac\.f?cgi>
>     SetEnv TRAC_ENV /path/repos/trac/prjkt1
> </LocationMatch>
> <IfModule mod_python.c>
> <Location /cgi-bin/trac.cgi>
>  AuthType Digest
>  SVNParentPath /path/repos/trac/prjkt1
>        AuthName "realm"
>         AuthUserFile    /path/repos/conf/users.txt
>         AuthGroupFile /path/repos/conf/groups.txt
>         AuthzSVNAccessFile /paht/repos/conf/auth.txt
>     SetHandler mod_python
>     PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
>     PythonOption TracEnv /path/repos/trac/prjkt1
> require valid-user
> </Location>
> </IfModule>
> I access my SVN therough http://server/svn/projects/
> Now how can I access trac for all the projects (shouldn't this be clear
> steps in the docs?!).
> when I get to http://server/cgi-bin/trac.cgi and then try to login I get
> an error. Then apache log says this:
> script not found or unable to stat: /var/www/cgi-bin/trac.cgi\\login
> Now, what about this erro:
> The URI does not contain the name of a repository.
> How can I pass the name of the repo to trac ?
> I don't want to add virtual hosts or modify any thing in my current
> apache.conf !
> When I go
> Thank you.
> >


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