I seem to be on a posting roll today.  Apologies for the spike in traffic.  
Last question for the week.  :)

I am maintaining an instance of Trac that is hosted on textdrive nee' Joyent.  
These guys don't allow access to the main Apache conf file, so I have to do any 
jiggy cuteness with Apache by using directory specific .htaccess files.

Because of the lockdown on Apache, rather than using mod_python through Apache, 
I am forced to use tracd on a specific port.

So I have tracd running on a specific port XXXX, utilizing a specific digest 

In an .htaccess file under /tracweb, I have mod_rewrite rules proxying any 
requests to /tracweb to the tracd instance running at port XXXX.

Everything works hunky dory until it comes time to authenticate.  If I attempt 
to authenticate directly to the tracd instance at port XXXX, everything works 
perfectly.  However, if I attempt to authenticate by clicking LOGIN from 
/tracweb, it accepts my credentials and then proceeds to go into an infinite 
loop when attempting to login.

The error I see in my logs is:

[Thu Jun 28 15:03:44 2007] [error] [client] Digest: invalid nonce 
3f29a221bf8dc7164e2ab27fd922fd34 received - length is not 52

Below is my .htaccess file (w/names changed to protect the innocent)


AuthUserFile /{blah}/trac.digest.passwd
AuthGroupFile /{blah}/groups.htgroups
AuthType Digest
AuthDigestProvider file
AuthName {foo}
require group all

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^trac_common/(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^trac/?(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^project1(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^project2(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^project3(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^project4(.*)$1 [P]


This also assumes that there is an instance of tracd running under the 

/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/tracd -d -p 9006 --auth 
*,{blah}/trac.digest.passwd, {foo} -e {homedir of Trac}


I don't think I've forgotten anything.  Any ideas?


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