Given that I don't have the option to upgrade Trac on this box (unfortunately), 
do you have any suggestions for troubleshooting why authentication would work 
happily in one scenario, but in the mod_rewritten scenario the Trac login might 
think that it needs to go into an endless loop?  Below is the .htaccess file.

I have a Trac folder at:


This contains the Trac environments for my setup.  I run an instance of tracd 
as such:

/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/tracd -d -p 9006

I have a public website folder for said domain under:


Which ostensibly serves pages for (verified)

There is an .htaccess file in this folder that contains the following 

AuthType Digest
AuthDigestProvider file
require group all

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^trac_common/(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^trac/?(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^projectone(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^projecttwo(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^projectthree(.*)$1 [P]
RewriteRule ^projectfour(.*)$1 [P]

The intent of these directives, which works outside of the strange endless loop 
that occurs when I try to login (login page continually tries to reload) is to 
make it so that surfing to will proxy to the 
tracd serving projectone.

Clear as mud, I hope?  :)


Emmanuel Blot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Well, I don't remember whether this parameter exists on 0.9 series.
It is recommended on Trac 0.10, and mandatory on 0.11.

On 7/11/07, cobwebsmasher  wrote:
> I have not, although my trac.ini doesn't seem to have that available as a
> parameter.  The instance of Trac that appears to be available is version
> 0.9.6 apparently.  Not sure if that helps matters any.  (For folks who
> associate my name with my posts, I am working on 2 different versions of
> Trac, one that is 0.10 and this one that is still back in 0.9.6 land)
> Vincent
> Emmanuel Blot  wrote:
> > Anyone out there have any experience into using mod_rewrite to proxy the
> > tracd process and possibly have any insight into the loop that occurs
> during
> > digest authentication?
> Have you defined the base_url parameter in trac.ini ?
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