It might be useful to have standard http POST request to create tickets, the
simple gate for automation. It should be simpler than XML RPC, and won't
depend on the any ticket API changes and DB backend. I suppose that
generating http POST is fairly simple regardless of the system used. It
could use registered account credentials to avoid spam.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Erik Bray
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:13 PM
Subject: [Trac] Re: Automatic Ticket creation

> Sue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > thru the documentation but did not find anything about this other than
> > some really old question regarding a similar issue. Is there a way to
> > do this in a more elegant manner rather than interacting with the Trac
> > sqLite database directly thru some script? If this is the only way,
> > any pointers to existing database interaction documentation would be
> > great.
>   Well, don't use sqlite, use mysql ot postgres, since they support good
> multiuser access, and then write whatever CGI,ruby,django/etc. code you
need to populate the
> database.

I don't see what exactly the question has to do with which DB to use
or whether or not it needs to have multi-user access.  On the other
hand, it's not entirely clear what you're asking for.

> I would like to create trac tickets automatically whenever a
particular event happens.

What sort of event?  This is the part that's unclear.  Is it an event
in the Trac environment?  Or something external.  Regardless, using
the Trac API, it's very easy to open an environment and create a
ticket--depending on what you need to do, it could be a very short
Python script.

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