Ok, it turns out that Trac is installed in my Python.2.3 site packages
directory, so installing another instance alongside my existing
installation (as indicated at the link you provided) seems to be the
best option. However, since I'm also upgrading Python as part of this
process, it seems to me that I can install Trac to the Python 2.5 site-
packages directory, and accomplish the same thing (in maybe a slightly
cleaner way?). in this case, i'm assuming i wouldn't need the
PythonPath directive. What i'm proposing is this:

1. Backup /usr/share/trac
2. Backup /usr/bin/tracd, trac-admin, and tracdb2env
3. Install Trac 0.10.4 normally, using the Python2.5 binary (/usr/
local/bin/python2.5 ./setup.py install)
4. Swap in mod_python v2.5.1
5. Restart apache
6. If it worked, then install plugins to v2.5 site-packages directory

In this way, if something goes wrong, I can revert back to my working
2.3 setup very easily (this is a heavily used Trac system).

Does this plan make sense? Am I missing anything? Does Trac put/use
files in other locations that I should be concerned with (other than
the Trac environment, which I'm assuming will be compatible)?

Also, assuming this plan is not off base, do I need to worry about the
*.egg files in the .python-eggs directory? I'm learning, but I'm still
a bit fuzzy on how all the Python pieces fit together.

Thanks again for your help,


On Oct 21, 10:09 am, Joshua Preston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry it took so long to get back, but it looks like Trac is not
> installed in your Python 2.5.1 installation site-packages.
> This can be accomplished by either installing Trac in your site-
> packages or adding the correct directives in your Apache config.
> Please seehttp://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracDownload#Tracstablefor
> a brief summary.
> In short, to just use Apache, add a line looking like:
> PythonPath "['/path/to/your/trac/installation/site-packages'] + syspath"
> However, please be aware that if your Trac installation resides in
> your existing Python 2.3.x site-packages, including it might break a
> lot of other things.  You should be able to either create a new
> instance of Trac following the link above or if your existing
> installation is not in the Python 2.3.x site-packages, you can use it.
> Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> Joshua Preston
> 760 Communications Pkwy
> Columbus, OH 43214
> Office: 614-442-1215 x308
> Mobile: 614-204-9546
> Fax:            614-442-3075
> On Oct 20, 2007, at 8:31 PM, stephenrs wrote:
> > Here's the Trac-related apache conf (included from httpd.conf as
> > trac.conf). I should note that this config works fine with the 2.3.4
> > version of mod_python (which I saved, and have switched back to for
> > the time being).
> > Also, some follow up questions: Do I really need Python 2.5.1 to get
> > the latest XMLRPC plugin working with the latest stable Trac 0.10?
> > Have others found success with 2.3.4 or similar?
> > Thanks Joshua for looking at this,
> > Stephen
> > <VirtualHost *:443>
> >     ServerName trac.<servername>
> >     ServerAdmin webmaster@<servername>
> >     DocumentRoot /usr/share/trac/htdocs
> >     CustomLog      /etc/httpd/logs/trac-access_log combined
> >     ErrorLog       /etc/httpd/logs/trac-error_log
> >     SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /.python-eggs
> >     SSLEngine on
> >     CustomLog /etc/httpd/logs/trac-ssl_request_log \
> >               "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
> >     <Location />
> >       SetHandler mod_python
> >       PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
> >       PythonOption TracEnv /var/www/vhosts/trac
> >       PythonOption TracUriRoot /
> >     </Location>

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