
I'd like to run Trac 0.11dev on a lighttpd 1.4.19 server
in FastCGI mode. This server is a virtual server (a
Solaris 10 zone, if you must know) and is dedicated
for hosting Trac. There is only 1 Trac environment and
I doubt that there'll ever be more than one. So let's
say that there will never be more than one.

Because of all of that, I'd like to serve the Trac
content from "/" of the web server. To do so, I added
this to the lighttpd.conf:

############################################################ Trac:
# http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracFastCgi#SimpleLighttpdConfiguration
server.modules += ("mod_alias")
server.modules += ("mod_fastcgi")

alias.url = ("/chrome/common" =>

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^(?!/chrome/common)" {
        fastcgi.server = ("/" =>
                           ("trac" =>
                            ("socket" => "/var/tmp/trac/fastcgi.sock",
                             "bin-path" =>
                             "check-local" => "disable",
                             "bin-environment" =>
                               ("TRAC_ENV" => "/export/home/webservd/trac/trac",
                               "LC_TIME" => "de_CH",
                               "PYTHONPATH" =>
                               "PYTHON_EGG_CACHE" => "/var/tmp/trac")
auth.backend = "htpasswd"
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/" {   auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile =
"/net/winds05/var/store/subversion/conf/svn-auth-file"  }
auth.require = ("/login" =>
                ("method"   => "basic",
                 "realm"    => "Trac",
                 "require"  => "valid-user"
############################################################ Trac!

So, fastcgi.server is serving /. But that doesn't work too well... :(

For example, when I click on "Wiki", I go to
http://$SERVER/wiki. Fine. But when I click again
on Wiki, I go to http://$SERVER/wiki/wiki. Not fine :(
And when I''m on http://$SERVER/wiki and click
on "Login", I'm redirected to http://$SERVER/wiki/login
and get an error:

  Trac Error
  Authentication information not available. Please refer to the
installation documentation.

When I go to http://$SERVER/login, the HTTP Basic
Auth login dialog box of the browser shows up, just
like it should.

Another oddity: I can go to http://$SERVER/WhatNot
and see the normal Wiki start page. And from "WhatNot",
I can go to, let's say, Timeline -> http://$SERVER/WhatNot/timeline.
Not quite what I'd expect to happen...

I guess there's some more that I'd need to do. But looking
at http://trac.edgewall.org/, I see that it IS possible to have
Trac on / with lighttpd. Is it, by chance, possible to have a
look at the lighttpd configuration and trac.ini as used by

Thanks a lot,

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