On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 02:56:55PM -0800, jevans wrote:
> Hello,
> We're setting up a project with both internal and external access
> using Trac
> We're using the BlackMagicTicketTweaks plug-in to restrict some
> internal fields based on permissions.
> But we would also like to hide other fields during ticket entry that
> just don't apply until later in the process.  It's not that the
> reporter shouldn't ever see them, just that they don't apply to ticket
> creation.
> I thought the TIcketSubmitPolicy plug-in would do this but it doesn't
> seem to handle checking the status field.

Ticketed, http://trac-hacks.org/ticket/4487

I can't promise I'll get to it anytime soon, however.

Jeff Hammel
IRC: jhammel, k0s

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