On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 08:22:20AM -0400, Ted Gifford wrote:
>      > How would something like this work with queries/reports? *That's the
>      > main issue I haven't been able to resolve in trying to develop this
>      > sort of functionality. *The simple answer would be to store the
>      > computed value of the field in Trac's DB, but how would it know when
>      > to update the value?
>      There are two answers that I have been thinking about, neither one of
>      which I'm fully satisfied with:
>    How about defining several default policies for cache invalidation (such
>    as those listed below), and then allow plugins that define computed fields
>    to provide (via another interface?) their own policy own when to recompute
>    the field?
>    Ted

Yeah, that would be the ultimate goal (though maybe with a callback instead of 
an interface?).  


>    *
>      *1. The more robust answer (though maybe still not robust enough):
>      *Whenever a /query or /report URL is hit, compute all of the computed
>      fields, as well as doing this every time a /ticket URL is hit. *The
>      values are stored in the the Trac DB, specifically inside the
>      ticket-custom table. This would be horribly slow for any sizable number
>      of tickets.
>      *2. The less robust answer: *Only do this when individual /ticket URLs
>      are hit. *The /query or /reports get cached values.
>      2. is probably required, at least for my use-cases. You could imagine
>      doing something more intelligent too:
>      ** caching fields every N minutes, e.g. with a cron job (if there's not
>      a pluggable cron plugin -- I thought there was but have since been
>      unable to find it -- it would be easy to write).
>      ** For /queries or /reports, filter by other criteria to get back the
>      desired ticket set, then compute the computed fields for the remaining
>      tickets and doing additional filtering by these computed values.
>      ** For each computed field, cache them on certain events. *For instance,
>      some might only need to be cached when the ticket is updated (method 2.
>      above). *Others might need to be updated on repository commits. Etc.
>      ** Some combination of the above.
>      I admit there's no easy answer for the general case. *The event-trigger
>      criterion appeals to me the most, but its easy to see times when it
>      wouldn't work. *For instance, if a field requires data from an external
>      service, you won't know when this data will be updated in general.
>      Still, I'm encouraged to try to get something working :)
>      Jeff
>    --
>    * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * -

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