On Jul 2, 11:18 am, "Chris Nelson" <chris.nel...@sixnet.com> wrote:
> George Ganjei wrote:
> > It looks like I need to sign in with a Gmail address to post a
> > question, however I think I will receive emails at my Faulkner
> > address. Or did you email me directly at my Faulkner address?  
> I cut and pasted your Faulkner address into my To line.
> Once you are a member (and it knows your non-Gmail address), you can
> mail directly to trac-users@googlegroups.com rather than go to Google
> Groups to post.

Having the account helps a bit with spam.  I turned off e-mail
notification and jsut use the web interface.

As for your questions.

I am not entirely sure what you mean my change milestone text, but if
it is what I think, when you access a milestone via the admin
interface, there is a description textarea.  This supports full wiki
markup, so it is very flexible.  (I, for example, include a workload
chart macro,and a burndown macro, with each one, as well as some text
that describes the milestone, etc.) Amin|milestones|click on the
milestone in question to get to the manage milestone interface...

To change the name of the main, or meta-nav text see:
http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracNavigation about how to edit your
trac.ini file apporpriately.

I am ccing your request email on this one, but please respond to the
group.  I also recommend you follow the threads in the group, as it is
possible (although not in this case so far) others may not email you
directly, but have better answers.

Hopefully this answers your questions.
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