We've been using trac-cc plugin for many years. At one point, 0.1.2, we
"enhanced" it to add some support for multiple build projects[1], but when
0.1.3 came out we upgrade without our enhancements and don't really see much
difference in usage.
FYI, we use 1 instance of trac to manage what one could see as many
projects, though they are all under one big umbrella and all source stored
in a single svn repo. We use components to group tickets by the actual
deployable artifact and, in general, each artifact has it's own cc build.

I have used the hudson plugin on a different trac installation. If I recall
correctly, it uses the rss feeds provided by the web ui to populate the
timelime. This seems like a simpler solution than the current trac-cc
plugin, though I suppose one could write a custom xsl to display cc builds
differently in the timeline if they wanted.

Feel free to ask questions!


[1] https://oss.werkbold.de/trac-cc/ticket/27

2009/8/25 Poliana CorrĂȘa <poliana.cor...@gmail.com>

> Hi!
> Have you ever used or use the plugin Trac-CC?
> Basically he takes the logs created by CruiseControl builds and
> assembles a page of history builds on trac.
> See documentation https: / / oss.werkbold.de / trac-cc.
> I am wanting to add more value to it, but for that I need feedback
> from users.
> Any help is welcome.
> Gratefully,
> Poliana.
> >

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