On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 07:21:29AM +0200, Jens Schwarz wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a trac environment that is only accessible to authorized users. What I 
> want is to make an exception so that anonymous users can view the 
> Timelins-RSS (or in other words: so that registered users can view this RSS 
> without having to login first). So I setup my trac to allow the subject 
> "anonymous" to perform the action "TIMELINE_VIEW".
> The result: Now unauthorized users can access the timeline but it remains 
> empty (in comparison to an authorized user). I expected that at least the the 
> items of the timeline are displayed.
> Any hints on how to accomplish this?
> Thanks
> Jens

The problem is, the items on the timeline take their permissions from 
TICKET_VIEW, BROWSER_VIEW, WIKI_VIEW, etc.  I'm not sure of a trivial 
work-around here, except ugly hacks.  

I guess the quickest workaround I can think of is making a "new" timeline view 
that makes a subrequest as an authorized user and returns the result (or, well, 
minus the navbar and all of that.  But the problem itself really goes against 
the grain of the permission system (and common sense) so, personally, I 
wouldn't want to do this and wouldn't do this unless my boss told me to.

Maybe someone else can come up with a better workaround?  Again, though, I 
wouldn't want to solve this problem.


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